Extensions with Finite Relative Global Dimension
代数的扩张是指两个代数之间保持单位元的同态映射.设f:B→A是代数的扩张,扩张f的相对整体维数是指所有A-模的相对投射维数的上确界.我们给出了扩张的相对整体维数有限的一个充分必要条件,作为应用,还获得了Hochschild的文[Relative homological algebra,Trans.Am.Math.Soc.,1956,82:246–269]中一个结果的简洁证明.
An extension of algebras is a homomorphism of algebras preserving identities. The relative global dimension of an extension f:B→A is defined to be the supremum of relative projective dimensions of all A-modules. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for an extension of algebras to have finite relative global dimension. As an application, we give a new short proof for a result in Hochschild [Relative homological algebra,Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 1956, 82: 246–269].
相对投射模 / 相对投射维数 / 相对整体维数 {{custom_keyword}} /
relatively projective module / relative projective dimension / relative global dimension {{custom_keyword}} /
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