Commutators of Marcinkiewicz Integrals with RBMO(μ) on Morrey Spaces
本文建立了 Marcinkiewicz 积分M与具离散系数的正则有界平均振荡空间RBMO(μ)生成的交换子Mb在非齐性度量测度空间上的有界性. 在控制函数λ满足∈-弱反双倍条件的假设下, 当p∈(1,∞)时,证明了Mb在Lp(μ)上是有界的. 另外,还得到了Mb在 Morrey 空间上的有界性.
This paper establishes the boundedness of the commutator Mb generated by the Marcinkiewicz integral M and the regularized bounded mean oscillation space with the discrete coefficient RBMO(μ) over non-homogeneous metric measure space. Under the assumption that the dominating function λ satisfies the ∈-weak reverse doubling condition, when p ∈ (1,∞), the authors prove that the Mb is bounded on the Lebesgue space Lp(μ). Furthermore, the boundedness of the Mb on the Morrey space is also obtained.
非齐性度量测度空间 / Marcinkiewicz积分 / 交换子 / RBMO(μ)空间 / Morrey空间 {{custom_keyword}} /
non-homogeneous metric measure space / Marcinkiewicz integral / commutator / RBMO(μ)space / Morrey space {{custom_keyword}} /
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