On a Hilbert-Type Integral Inequality with the General Nonhomogeneous Kernel and the Intermediate Variables in the Whole Plane
By means of the way of real analysis and the weight functions, introducing some parameters and intermediate variables, a few equivalent statements of a Hilberttype integral inequality with the general nonhomogeneous kernel in the whole plane are obtained. The constant factor is proved to be the best possible. As applications, a few equivalent statements of a Hilbert-type integral inequality with the general homogeneous kernel in the whole plane are deduced. We also consider some particular cases, the operator expressions and a few examples.
Hilbert型积分不等式 / 权函数 / 中间变量 / 等价形式 / 算子 {{custom_keyword}} /
Hilbert-type integral inequality / weight function / intermediate variable / equivalent form / operator {{custom_keyword}} /
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