Unicity of Meromorphic Functions Concerning Derivatives and Differences
设f,g是两个非常数亚纯函数,a是一个非零有穷复数,n ≥ 5是一个正整数.若[f(z)]n与[g(z)]n CM分担a,f(z)与g(z)CM分担∞,且N1)(r,f)=S(r,f),则或者f(z)≡ tg(z),其中tn=1;或者f(z)g(z)≡ t,其中tn=a2.由此改进了涉及导数与差分的一些亚纯函数唯一性的结果.
Let f, g be two nonconstant meromorphic functions, let a be a nonzero finite complex number, and let n ≥ 5 be a positive integer. If[f(z)]n and[g(z)]n share a CM, f(z) and g(z) share ∞ CM, and N1)(r, f)=S(r, f), then either f(z) ≡ tg(z), where tn=1, or f(z)g(z) ≡ t, where tn=a2. This improves some unicity results concerning derivatives and differences of meromorphic functions.
亚纯函数 / 导数 / 差分 / 唯一性 {{custom_keyword}} /
Meromorphic functions / derivatives / differences / unicity {{custom_keyword}} /
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