Wigner's Theorem on the Modified Tsirelson Space TM
Let X and Y be normed space. We say that a map f:X→Y is a phaseisometry if it satisfies {||f(x) + f(y)||,||f(x)-f(y)||}={||x + y||,||x-y||} (x, y ∈ X). Suppose that g, f:X→Y are maps. If there is a phase function ε:X→{-1, 1} such that ε·f=g, then we say that f is phase-equivalent to g. We shall prove that every phase-isometry between two modified Tsirelson spaces TM is phase-equivalent to a linear isometry. This can be considered as a new version of the famous Wigner's theorem for the modified Tsirelson space TM.
改进的Tsirelson空间TM / 相位等价 / 线性等距 / Wigner定理 {{custom_keyword}} /
modified Tsirelson space TM / phase equivalent / linear isometries / Wigner's theorem {{custom_keyword}} /
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