Global Well-posedness for the 2D MHD System with Partial Dissipation and Magnetic Diffusion in a Bounded Domain
We consider the initial boundary value problem of the two-dimensional incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations with partial dissipation and magnetic diffusion. The global and unique strong solution of the model in a bounded domain is justified when the dissipation and magnetic diffusion coefficient in all directions are nonnegative. In addition, the global well-posedness of the system can be extended into the periodic boundary.
不可压缩磁流体 / 初边值问题 / 部分耗散 / 磁扩散 / 全局适定性 {{custom_keyword}} /
incompressible MHD / initial-boundary value problem / partial dissipation / magnetic diffusion / global well-posedness {{custom_keyword}} /
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