Well-posedness and Convergence of the Vector Field Regularization Model in Image Registration
Image registration is fundamental to image processing. The vector field regularization model performs relatively well among a large number of registration methods. However, it still can't correspond to all interested regions across images correctly. Therefore, we hope to study the theory of the vector field regularization model to see whether there are some problems with the design of the model. Moreover, as there are two unknowns which are related by an initial value problem in the regularization model, it is novel in mathematics. The vector field regularization model takes the form minv {α||v||H2 + ρ(T (yv(τ)), S)}, where T is a template image, S is a reference image, yv(τ):x ? yv(τ;0, x) is a transformation determined by the solution yv(s;0, x) of the initial value problem dy/ds=v(s, y), y(0)=x, ρ is a similarity functional, α> 0 is a regularization parameter and H is a Hilbert space. In this paper, we firstly show the vector field regularization model has stable solutions and then demonstrate its convergence. The above results can be obtained by the standard arguments of regularized problems together with the convergence relation of yv(τ) and v. However, the requirements for ρ, S and T are relatively strong under the existing regularization theory. We give relatively weak conditions for ρ, S and T by taking full advantage of the good properties of yv(τ). In addition, we verify that three commonly used similarity functionals in image registration satisfy the given conditions.
方向场正则化模型 / 存在性 / 稳定性 / 收敛性 / 图像配准 {{custom_keyword}} /
vector field regularization model / existence / stability / convergence / image registration {{custom_keyword}} /
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