因子von Neumann代数中套子代数上的局部3-上循环
Local 3-Cocycles of Nest Subalgebras of Factor von Neumann Algebras
证明了因子von Neumann代数中的套子代数到其单位对偶双模内的每个弱连续的局部3-上循环都是3-上循环.
It is proved that every weakly continuous local 3-cocycle of a nest subalgebra of a factor von Neumann algebra with coeffcients on a unital dual bimodule is a 3-cocycle.
套子代数 / von Neumann代数 / 局部3-上循环 {{custom_keyword}} /
nest subalgebra / von Neumann algebra / local 3-cocycle {{custom_keyword}} /
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