
纪培胜, 赖弋新, 侯恩冉

数学学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (3) : 571-578.

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数学学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (3) : 571-578. DOI: 10.12386/A2010sxxb0063


    纪培胜, 赖弋新, 侯恩冉
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Multiplicative Jordan Derivations on Jordan Algebras

    Pei Sheng JI, Yi Xin LAI, En Ran HOU
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A是Jordan代数, 如果映射d:AA满足任给a,bA,都有 d(a o b)=d(a) o b+a o d(b), 则称d为可乘Jordan导子. 如果A含有一个非平凡幂等p,且A对于p的Peirce分解 A=A1A1/2A0满足:
(1) 设aiAi (i=1,0),如果任给t1/2A1/2,都有ai o t1/2=0,则ai=0,则A上的可乘Jordan导子d. 如果满足d(p)=0,则d是可加的.由此得到结合代数和三角代数满足一定条件时,其上的任意可乘Jordan导子是可加的.



Let A be a Jordan algebra. If the map d:AA satisfies d(a o b)=d(a) o b+a o d(b) for all a,bA, then d is called a multiplicative Jordan derivation on A. Our main objective in this note is to prove the following. Suppose A has an idempotent p (p≠0,p≠1) which satisfies that the Peirce decomposition of A with respect to p, A=A1A1/2A0, satisfies that
(1) Let aiAi (i=1,0). If ai o t1/2=0 for all t1/2A1/2, then ai=0. If d is any multiplicative Jordan derivation of A which satisfies that d(p)=0, then d is additive. As its application, we get the result that every multiplicative Jordan derivation on some associative algebras and triangular algerbas is additive.



Jordan代数 / 可乘Jordan导子 / 可加性

Key words

Jordan algebra / multiplicative Jordan derivation / additivity


纪培胜, 赖弋新, 侯恩冉. Jordan代数上的可乘Jordan导子. 数学学报, 2010, 53(3): 571-578
Pei Sheng JI, Yi Xin LAI, En Ran HOU. Multiplicative Jordan Derivations on Jordan Algebras. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 2010, 53(3): 571-578


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国家自然科学基金资助项目(10971117,10675086); 山东省基金资助项目(Y2006A04)

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