
周燕, 朱玉灿

数学学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (5) : 799-806.

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数学学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (5) : 799-806. DOI: 10.12386/A2013sxxb0078


    周燕, 朱玉灿
作者信息 +

K-g-Frames and Dual g-Frames for Closed Subspaces

    Yan ZHOU, Yu Can ZHU
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文章历史 +


在Hilbert空间中定义K-g-框架,探讨K-g-框架与, g-框架的一些本质差别.利用特殊闭子空间的对偶,g-框架来刻画 K-g-框架,给出构造特殊闭子空间对偶,g-框架的一种方法,并介绍相关的K-g-框架的一些性质.


We introduce the concept of K-g-frames in Hilbert spaces and study the essential distinctions between K-g-frames and g-frames. Then we characterize K-g frames by using dual g-frames of special closed subspaces and give a way to construct dual g-frames for special closed subspaces. Finally, we study some properties of K-g frames.


K-框架 / K-g-框架 / 对偶

Key words

K-frames / K-g-frames / duality


周燕, 朱玉灿. K-g-框架与子空间对偶g框架. 数学学报, 2013, 56(5): 799-806 https://doi.org/10.12386/A2013sxxb0078
Yan ZHOU, Yu Can ZHU. K-g-Frames and Dual g-Frames for Closed Subspaces. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 2013, 56(5): 799-806 https://doi.org/10.12386/A2013sxxb0078


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国家自然科学数学天元基金资助项目(11226099);福建省自然科学基金(2012J01005)资助项目;福州大学科技发展基金(2012-XY-21, 2012-XQ-29)及福州大学科研启动基金(022410)资助项目

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