Quantile Regression for Censored Mixed Effects Models and Variable Selection
Longitudinal data are usually analyzed using mixed effects models under the assumption of normal distributions. A departure from normality may result in invalid inference. Compared with the traditional mean regression, quantile regression can characterize a complete scan of the conditional distribution of the response variable and provide more robust inferences for nonnormal error distributions. In this paper, we focus on the quantile estimation and variable selection of censored mixed effects models. Firstly, the inverse censoring probability weighted (ICPW) method is utilized to obtain parameters estimation. Furthermore, the LASSO penalties are incorporated into the ICPW method to implement variable selection. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the proposed method performs superior to the "naive" method which ignores censored data. Finally, an AIDS data set is analyzed to illustrate the proposed method.
分位回归 / 删失混合效应模型 / 逆删失概率加权方法 / 变量选择 / LASSO惩罚 {{custom_keyword}} /
quantile regression / censored mixed effects models / ICPW method / variable selection / LASSO penalty {{custom_keyword}} /
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