
王晓瑛, 曹艳梅

数学学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (6) : 943-950.

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数学学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 61 ›› Issue (6) : 943-950. DOI: 10.12386/A2018sxxb0085


    王晓瑛, 曹艳梅
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On the Mean Value Distribution of the Difference Between an Integer and Its m-th Power over Unions of Short Intervals

    Xiao Ying WANG, Yan Mei CAO
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本文研究了短区间的并集中整数及其m次幂的差的均值分布问题,给出了渐近公式.具体来说,设p是奇素数,1 ≤ Hp,实数δ满足0 < δ ≤ 1,整数m ≥ 2.设Ij是(0,p)的互不相交的子区间,1 ≤ jJ,满足H/2 ≤|Ij|≤ H,以及(yp表示y在模p下的非负最小剩余.定义I=Uj=1JIj,并设χ是模p的Dirichlet非主特征.证明了



We study the mean value distribution of the difference of an integer and its m-th power over unions of short intervals, and give some asymptotic formulas. For details, let p be an odd prime, 1 ≤ Hp, 0 < δ ≤ 1 be any fixed real number, and m ≥ 2 be integers. Let I(j) be disjoint subintervals of (0, p), 1 ≤ jJ, satisfying H/2 ≤ |I(j)| ≤ H, and let (y)p denote the non-negative least residue of y modulo p.Define I=Uj=1J I(j), and let χ be the Dirichlet character modulo p. We prove that

, and 


整数及其m次幂 / 二项指数和 / 短区间 / 特征

Key words

integer and its m-th power / two-term exponential sum / short interval / character


王晓瑛, 曹艳梅. 短区间的并集中整数及其m次幂的差的均值分布. 数学学报, 2018, 61(6): 943-950 https://doi.org/10.12386/A2018sxxb0085
Xiao Ying WANG, Yan Mei CAO. On the Mean Value Distribution of the Difference Between an Integer and Its m-th Power over Unions of Short Intervals. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 2018, 61(6): 943-950 https://doi.org/10.12386/A2018sxxb0085


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