An Additive-Multiplicative Rates Model for Recurrent Event Data with a Terminal Event
We propose a joint modeling approach for the analysis of recurrent event data with a terminal event, where an additive-multiplicative rates model is specified for the recurrent event process, the Cox hazards frailty model is specified for the terminal event, and the shared frailty is used to account for the association between the two processes. An estimating equation approach is developed for estimating the model parameters. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. Simulation studies are constructed to examine performances of the proposed estimators under finite samples. Finally, we use the proposed method to analyze a medical cost study of chronic heart failure patients.Keywords additive-multiplicative rates model; estimating equation; frailty; recurrent event; terminal event
可加可乘模型 / 估计方程 / 脆弱变量 / 复发事件 / 终止事件 {{custom_keyword}} /
additive-multiplicative rates model / estimating equation / frailty / recurrent event / terminal event {{custom_keyword}} /
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