Penalized Quadratic Inference Estimation of Fixed Effects Partially Linear Additive Panel Data Model
Partially linear additive panel data models with strong interpretability and flexibility have been widely used in a variety of research fields. Considered a fixed effects partially linear additive panel data model with correlation structure within subjects, we derived the estimators by using penalized quadratic inference functions method under the basis of combining exponential spline function and LSDV method; the asymptotic normality of parametric estimators and convergence of nonparametric estimators were proved under suitable regular conditions; Monte Carlo simulations show that our estimates have good performances in small sample cases; meanwhile, the estimation techniques were used to analyse a real data set.
固定效应部分线性可加面板数据模型 / 惩罚二次推断函数 / 相关结构 {{custom_keyword}} /
partially linear additive panel data model with fixed effects / penalized quadratic inference function / correlation structure {{custom_keyword}} /
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