The Conformal Invariances of the Dually Flat (α, β)-metrics
We study the conformal transformations between two (α, β)-metrics. We prove that, if F is a locally dually flat regular (α, β)-metric and is conformally related to F, that is, F=eσ(x)F, then F is also a locally dually flat (α, β)-metric if and only if the conformal transformation is a homothety. Further, in the case with singularity, we prove that any conformal transformation between two locally dually flat general Kropina metrics must be a homothety.
共变换 / 形局部对偶平坦芬斯勒度量 / (&alpha / &beta / )-度量 / 广义Kropina度量 {{custom_keyword}} /
conformal transformation / locally dually flat Finsler metric / (α, β)-metric / general Kropina metric {{custom_keyword}} /
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