因子von Neumann代数上的非线性混合ξ-Jordan三重可导映射
Nonlinear Mixed ξ-Jordan Triple Derivable Maps on Factor von Neumann Algebras
设A是一个的因子von Neumann代数.我们证明了每一个非线性混合ξ-Jordan(ξ≠0,-1)三重可导映射φ:A → A都是可加的*-导子,且对任意的A ∈ A,有φ(ξA)=ξφ(A).
Let A be a factor von Neumann algebra. We prove that each nonlinear mixed ξ-Jordan triple derivable map φ:A → A is an additive *-derivation and φ(ξA)=ξφ(A) for all A ∈ A with ξ≠ 0, -1
因子von Neumann代数 / 混合&xi / -Jordan三重可导映射 / *-导子 {{custom_keyword}} /
factor von Neumann algebra / mixed ξ-Jordan triple derivable map / *-derivation {{custom_keyword}} /
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