
郭庆栋, 周疆

数学学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 63 ›› Issue (4) : 367-380.

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数学学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 63 ›› Issue (4) : 367-380. DOI: 10.12386/A2020sxxb0031


    郭庆栋, 周疆
作者信息 +

Compactness of Commutators for Some Operators on Generalized Morrey Spaces

    Qing Dong GUO, Jiang ZHOU
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文章历史 +




We dedicate to study the compactness of commutators for fractional integral operators, Marcinkiewicz integrals and pseudo-differential operators with smooth symbols on the generalized Morrey spaces Mp,ω(Rn). Notice the differences of dealing method respectively.


紧性 / 交换子 / 广义Morrey空间

Key words

compactness / commutators / generalized Morrey spaces


郭庆栋, 周疆. 一些算子的交换子在广义Morrey空间上的紧性. 数学学报, 2020, 63(4): 367-380 https://doi.org/10.12386/A2020sxxb0031
Qing Dong GUO, Jiang ZHOU. Compactness of Commutators for Some Operators on Generalized Morrey Spaces. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 2020, 63(4): 367-380 https://doi.org/10.12386/A2020sxxb0031


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