

数学学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 64 ›› Issue (3) : 463-470.

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数学学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 64 ›› Issue (3) : 463-470. DOI: 10.12386/A2021sxxb0039


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The Crossing Number of 2-planar Graphs and Its Application

    Xin ZHANG
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图在平面内具有最小交叉次数的嵌入称为该图的一个最优平面画法.图G的交叉数cr(G)是该图的最优平面画法中的交叉次数.如果一个图可以嵌入在平面内使得每条边最多被交叉k次,则称其为k-可平面图.Zhang等人(2012)证明了顶点数为n的1-可平面图的交叉数最多为n-2,并且该上界是最优的.Czap,Harant与Hudák(2014)证明了顶点数为n的2-可平面图的交叉数最多为5(n-2).本文给出了2-可平面图的交叉数的一个更好的上界,并利用它从组合学的角度证明了Kn是2-可平面图当且仅当n ≤ 7(该问题于2019年之前是个公开问题,最近由Angelini等人使用计算机程序证明).


An optimal planar drawing of a graph is an embedding in the plane so that the number of crossings is as small as possible. The number of crossings in an optimal planar drawing of a graph G is the crossing number cr(G) of G. A graph is k-planar if it can be embedded in the planar so that each edge is crossed at most k times. Zhang et al. (2012) proved that the crossing number of any 1-planar graph on n vertices is at most n -2, and this upper bound is best possible. Czap, Harant and Hudák (2014) proved that the crossing number of any 2-planar graph on n vertices is at most 5(n-2). In this paper, we give a better upper bound for the crossing number of 2-planar graphs and show from the point of view of combinatorics that Kn is 2-planar if and only if n ≤ 7 (surprisedly, this was an open problem until 2019, in when Angelini solved it with computer assistance).


2-平面图 / 交叉数 / 权转移方法 / 完全图

Key words

2-planar graph / crossing number / discharging method / complete graph


张欣. 2-可平面图的交叉数及其应用. 数学学报, 2021, 64(3): 463-470 https://doi.org/10.12386/A2021sxxb0039
Xin ZHANG. The Crossing Number of 2-planar Graphs and Its Application. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 2021, 64(3): 463-470 https://doi.org/10.12386/A2021sxxb0039


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