The Lipschitz Perturbations of Regular Nondegenrate Heteroclinic Cycles in Banach Spaces
This note is concerned with the effect of small Lipschitz perturbations of a discrete dynamical system in Banach spaces. Let f, g be continuous map from a Banach space X into itself. If f has regular nondegenrate snap-back repellers or heteroclinic cycles and g is a small Lipschitz perturbations of f, then g has regular nondegenrate snap-back repellers or heteroclinic cycles. In addition, the regular nondegenrate heteroclinic cycles implying the snap-back repellers is studied in complete metric spaces.
离散动力系统 / Lipschitz扰动 / 混沌 / 异宿环 / 结构稳定性 {{custom_keyword}} /
discrete dynamical system / Lipschitz perturbations / chaos / heteroclinic cycles / structural stability {{custom_keyword}} /
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