Isometries and 2-Local Isometries on Cartan Bimodule Algebras in Hyperfinite Factors of Type Ⅱ_1
Pei Sheng JI(1), Cui Ping WEI(
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Pei Sheng JI Department of Mathematics, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, P. R. China Cui Ping WEI Institute of Operations Research, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, P. R. China
Let M be a hyperfinite factor of type Ⅱ1, D is a Cartan masa of M, T be a Cartan subalgebas of M with diagonal D which generates M. If Φ: T →T be an σ-weakly continuous (Banach) isometry, then Φ can be extended a isometry on M.If a map Φ: T→T satisfies that for every pair a, b ∈ T, there is a oooooooooo-weakly continuous isometry Φa,b on T such that Φa,b(a) = Φ(a), Φ>a,b(b) = Φ(b), then Φ is a linear isometry.
Pei Sheng JI(1), Cui Ping WEI(.
Isometries and 2-Local Isometries on Cartan Bimodule Algebras in Hyperfinite Factors of Type Ⅱ_1. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 2006, 49(1): 51-58